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Prattle On, Rick. Debut EP

Posted on: January 21st, 2010 by josh

As some folks may know, i spent some time in 2009 recording and producing nashville artist Prattle On, Rick. The EP, Communion Bread, is now out and on iTunes and Digistation. (Purchase through Digistation if you can as they give all sales to the artist.)  And if you buy the cd through paypal, you’ll have access to the bonus digital record A Decade Begins.

Communion Bread is a collection of folk/pop songs with soaring vocal arrangements, playfully uplifting percussion and melodies, and a compelling, imagery-laden search for self.

For more about the EP and Prattle On, Rick., visit…

MP3 Player Added, Feat 52 Playlists, EP…

Posted on: January 20th, 2010 by josh

I’ve added an mp3 player to the side bar on the right with playlists for each quarter of last year’s song-a-week project, Feat 52. give them a listen. feedback on last year’s project is appreciated. i’m considering remixing several of the best songs from Feat 52 for an EP to be released later this summer. add a comment to this post and cast your vote.
also, check back often as i plan on adding more playlists/mp3s to it in the near future.

Magnolia Spring

Posted on: December 28th, 2009 by josh

Feat 52: Week #52!!
well, shoot… never thought i’d really be saying this but… this song wraps up Feat 52, the year-long song-a-week project (during which i bend the common conceptions “week” and “song”). it’s been a great experience and a royal pain in the ass. doubt i’ll do it again. check back next week when i’ll be posting an mp3 player with all 52 songs on it for easy playing, sampling, etc…
one of my few concessions to the south… the spring is damn beautiful down here.