Posts Tagged ‘Tate Eskew’

Tate Eskew: Semiotics…

Posted on: October 14th, 2011 by josh

Tate Eskew - SemioticsMy good friend Tate Eskew release his first solo record, Semiotics, this month. It’s an incredible work of creativity in writing and sound-sculpting.  I had the opportunity to play drums on the record.  Give it a listen here.

Feat 52: The Song-A-Week Project

Posted on: January 7th, 2009 by josh

Happy New Year folks!!  i had not yet gotten used to writing ’08 and now it’s behind us.  and with the new year come resolutions.  well… for some of us.  my most challenging resolution is one that i’ve been wanting to do for a few years now but have not had the where-with-all to follow through.  …until this year.  my interest in it was renewed last year when my friend, Tate Eskew, embarked on a similar resolution.
the resolution:  to write and record a new song each week during the year of 2009.
pure and simple.  i thought of making more rules for myself but that defeats the point.  my intent is for this to be a way to stretch my creativity and ability on the various instruments and gear that i have collected over the years and to challenge the way i approach all parts of the songwriting process.  the songs and arrangements will vary in length and complexity given the time and tools at my disposal in a given week.  i also will be using this project to gradually move away from ProTools to a different DAW, SAW Studio.
i will try to make a habit of posting the songs sunday night or monday morning if i can.  let me know what you think.  i always appreciate constructive feedback.