In preparation for next month’s RPM Challenge 2010, Nate Dort and I got together at his studio and re-recorded this track from last year’s Feat 52. (Nate Dort on bass, keys, faders.) Having worked some of the kinks out, we’ll be ready to hit the ground running next monday. Stay tuned for more info on and links to our project.
Posts Tagged ‘song a week’
Interview About Feat 52 on Dog Eat Crow World
Writer/Musician Tres Crow blogged about Feat 52 and has some kind words to say. He has also posted a lot of great work of his own spanning poetry, non-fiction shorts, and various musical projects from his new home in Atlanta.
MP3 Player Added, Feat 52 Playlists, EP…
I’ve added an mp3 player to the side bar on the right with playlists for each quarter of last year’s song-a-week project, Feat 52. give them a listen. feedback on last year’s project is appreciated. i’m considering remixing several of the best songs from Feat 52 for an EP to be released later this summer. add a comment to this post and cast your vote.
also, check back often as i plan on adding more playlists/mp3s to it in the near future.